FitnessNatural Metabolics

The Testosterone Revolution Is Here

By September 18, 2018 January 5th, 2023 No Comments

The Testosterone Revolution Is Here

By September 15, 2018 November 13th, 2019 Fitness, Natural Metabolics

HYPE! Heard

Coming fresh off rumors of a promising new test booster earlier this month, we have confirmation that Antaeus Labs is ready to release Ultra Test this week. Ultra Test is slated to be the one of the first in the next generation of botanical-based testosterone enhancing options that requires no additional PCT or estrogen blocker. Antaeus Labs has released the final ingredient panel, and the lineup sounds even better than previously thought. Ultra Test As expected, Ultra Test will feature breakthrough compound Geranylgeraniol, which in some studies out of Japan has been shown to double testosterone production in animals 1. Additionally, it is shown to increase cyclic AMP (cAMP)/protein kinase (PKA) which enhances natural steroidogenic production of testosterone 2.
This is a huge win in the realm of natural testosterone boosters because the cAMP/PKA pathway is the gatekeeper of testosterone biosynthesis, meaning Geranylgeraniol could be the key to keeping the body’s natural test production high at any age. The other major player in the industry that has an effect on this system is forskolin, but Geranylgeraniol has a much higher bioavailability and puts less stress on the GI system. Ultra Test Other main ingredients include noted test boosting compound Tognkat Ali, widely known for its effect not only on testosterone levels, but overall athletic performance 3, and Phytol, a compound chemically similar to Geranylgeraniol that acts as a complementary aromatase inhibitor. This means that Phytol blocks the conversion of testosterone to estradiol and therefore estrogen production, while also promoting further test production 4. Stay tuned to Strong Supplement Shop for the release of Ultra Test later this week, and sign up to be one of the first to get your hands on it.
Ultra Test


  • Jason Martin says:
    Put me on the list
    • James Strong says:
      Hi Jason- You can sign up to be notified with Ultra Test is available by clicking the giant button that says “Sign-Up To Be Notified” at the top of the article. Thank you for your comment…
  • Paul kacer says:
    All hype
  • Matt says:
    Let me know
  • Ronald Austin says:
    How do I sight up?
  • john says:
    I have used very similar products did nothing for me
    • James Strong says:
      Hi John- Thank you for your comment. We know many of the products out there are under dosed and frankly snake-oil fluff, however, its Strong Supplements business to weed out the under performers and provide our customers not only with the best products but also the know how to use them for maximum benefit. This formula has kept us growing far longer and faster than the rest of the industry. We use a wisdom of crowds and technical approach to making sure we sell supplements that perform. Products that are re-purchased over and over by customers get a higher ranking in our system and are made more available. Yes, we do need to present new products that have not yet been vetted. In those cases we rely mostly on proven manufactures who time and time again have shown high levels of customer satisfaction across their product lines. But supplements are just that, supplements. They should supplement your diet and workout routines as you work toward a tangible goal. A good supplement should therefore help to increase or speed the path to your goals. All that said, some people will buy a bulking product – not workout or increase their caloric/protein intake and wonder why the supplement didn’t work for them. We don’t sell silver bullets. Thank you again for your comment…
  • Caleb says:
    Is this more of a PCT for after a cycle?
  • Caleb Williams says:
    Ballpark price by chance?
    • James Strong says:
      Hi Caleb – Ultra Test just went on sale today. We are running a Special Launch Offer at 25% off (use code ULTRATEST25). If you know us, then you know this is the lowest price we will offer, its usually the best time to buy. Just click the button at the beginning of the article. Thank you…
  • J says:
    I’ve been with strong supplements for a long time (7 years) all you idiots saying it’s all hype probably have no dedication. Supplements are just supposed to support what your doing. If you want magic just do a bunch of steroids. Btw pr are 350 bench 855lb rack pull 665 farmers carry 500lb squat for reps 500 lb deadlift for reps.
    • James Strong says:
      Hi Jordon – First, thank you for being a long time loyal customer, we are proud to call you Strong! Second, we are humbled by your kind, yet firm words…obviously you get it! Thank you again…

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