The Evolution Of Bulking
It’s been over 2 years since we first published our original Bulking Guide, which lays out a plan of attack for serious muscle mass gains. Since then so much new science around diet, exercise and supplementation has been developed we felt it was time to update our Guide and share with our customers the latest tech and techniques for building a physique of large well defined muscle. Let’s be clear, there is no magic here. Diet and exercise are the still the key ingredients to reaching your goals. There are no short cuts, however, what we propose can provide a straighter line to your objectives.The Bulking GuideOver the past few decades, the bodybuilding community has arguably lost sight of what it means to “bulk.” For many it’s become a season of thoughtless high caloric intake with the excuse that they’re “bulking.” And while they typically end up adding some muscle, you can bet they’ll be adding a hefty layer of fat on top of it. Going through a bulking phase should mean packing on some serious mass, but you shouldn’t be completely sacrificing your aesthetics to get there. In fact, putting on more fat means a longer period of cutting to reveal your hard earned gains. The longer you cut, the more muscle you’ll end up eating, which negates the entire purpose of the bulk in the first place. Don’t get us wrong – you’ll probably be putting on a little fat in addition to your new gains. But there’s a way to do this without stuffing your face. Putting on muscle is no easy feat, so we dug into the latest research and put together this guide complete with diet, training, and supplementation to get you there in as quickly and easily as realistically possible.
The Bulking Guide: A How To Plan Of Attack For Muscle Mass Gains
The Highest Hurdle To Achieving Bulking NirvanaPART TWO – TRAINING
Overcoming Your Greatest Opponent – YourselfPART THREE – SUPPLEMENTATION
Used Properly Supplements Are Your Edge- Resistance exercise load does not determine training-mediated hypertrophic gains in young men 1
- Elastic Bands as a Component of Periodized Resistance Training. 2
- Muscle Activity in Upper-Body Single-Joint Resistance Exercises with Elastic Resistance Bands vs. Free Weights 3
- Evidence-Based Guidelines for Resistance Training Volume to Maximize Muscle Hypertrophy 4