Looking for a way to boost testosterone levels 42%? According to a bio-medical study1 just 12 days of consistent use users saw a 42% of rise in free testosterone.
D-Aspartic acid is a natural way to effectively raise the body’s natural testosterone levels.
DAA Max is pure capsulated D-Aspartic Acid supplement.
D-Aspartic Acid has been shown in laboratory tests to produce:
- A 42% increase in Free Testosterone Levels after 12 days of consistent use
- Increased amount of testosterone released in the blood
- Increased Growth Hormone and Leutinizing Hormone production
- Greater mitochondrial efficiency and enhanced oxygen-carrying blood flow
- Increased nitric oxide (NO2, NO3) production, promoting fast recovery after workouts
- Use with your PCT to boost natural testosterone levels back to normal
- Use after as part of your PCT regiment to increase your test and better keep your gains
- Increased testosterone levels lead to increased energy levels, increased strength, lean muscle mass gains, increased fat burning, and elevated sex drive.
D-Aspartic acid has also been suggested to promote normal GABA levels, and dopamine levels, acting as an anti-depressant.
It is recommended to take this product in cycles of up to 60 days on and 30 days off to avoid building up a tolerance.
DAA Max can be stacked with other natural testosterone boosters (that do not have D-Aspartic Acid) to elevate testosterone levels even further.
DAA Max can also be taken as a Post Cycle Therapy to raise natural testosterone levels after a cycle.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease.
A Cost Effective Way To Increase Test
D-Aspartic Acid
D-aspartic acid is a naturally occurring physiological amino acid occurring principally in the pituitary gland and testes and has a role in the regulation of the release and synthesis of LH and testosterone.
Review by Phil**
Test Booster
This stuff is awesome. After the first week I felt stronger and with more energy. Its a good price for the quality. Im gaining more definition now and im on my 3rd week. GREAT STUFF! highly reccommend [recommend]!
**Last Name Withheld to Protect Privacy
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Supplement Facts

DAA MAX – Has been the industry’s top seller for many years. It’s repurchase rate is through the roof predominantly because customers report DAA MAX is a very effective test booster at a low price. Because of this record coupled with a very high percentage of positive reviews, DAA MAX has been the No.1 test booster sitting on top the Top 10 Testosterone Booster list since its inception.